Update Business Data

You can update your business data by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to DOKU Dashboard, and then access the side navigation bar

  2. Select Settings from the menu

  3. Settings page will appear. Under Account section, select Business Info

  4. Business Info page will appear where you can update your company data, business representative data, brand data, as well as upload the company's latest legal documents.

Please note that updating your business data would require us to re-verify your business account. Your new business data may be rejected if you fail to submit all the supporting documents for the change of your business data.

How do I know that my data is still being verified?

You will see a yellow banner below your selected data tab that says that your data is being verified. You can view the data changes as well by clicking "View Data Changes" button.

How do I know that my data has been rejected?

You will see a red banner below your selected data tab that says that your data was rejected. You can view the rejected notes and the specific data that needs to be revised.

Can I submit the same data that was previously rejected?

Yes, if you persist that your data is correct, you can resubmit the same data for our risk team to reverify.

Can I submit a new data while my data is being verified?

Yes, if you wish to revise your data, you can submit the new data for our risk team to verify. Please ensure the approval ID is different from the previous one in the yellow banner below your selected data tab.

Last updated