Company Dashboard


By activating Multi-brand, you will gain access to the Company Dashboard. Company Dashboard has the following features:

  1. Navigation from one Brand Dashboard to another Brand Dashboard, and from a Brand Dashboard to a Company Dashboard

  2. Ability to view transactions of all the registered brands

  3. Ability to assign and manage team members for each brand

  4. Add more new brands to your business account

Dashboard Navigation

You can navigate from a Brand Dashboard to a Company Dashboard or vice versa by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to DOKU Dashboard, and then access the side navigation bar

  2. Click the ellipsis icon next to your brand name

  3. Select the dashboard that you would like to acccess.

Company Dashboard has 'Company' text next to your business name, while Brand Dashboard only contains your brand name.

View Transactions

You can view transactions from all of your registered brands by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to DOKU Dashboard, and then access the side navigation bar

  2. Access your Company Dashboard

  3. Select Reports from the menu, then choose Transactions

  4. Transactions page will appear where you can view transactions for all of your registered brands. You can also filter to view transactions for certain brands only.

Manage Team Members

You can manage team members for all of your registered brands by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to DOKU Dashboard, and then access the side navigation bar

  2. Access your Company Dashboard

  3. Select Team Management from the menu

  4. Team Management page will appear, then click Invite Team Member button

  5. Enter your team member's email address , select the designated brand account and assign the appropriate role

  6. Complete Google reCAPTCHA, then click SAVE button.

You can only invite other team members as a Company Admin.

Add More Brands

You can add more brands for your business account by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to DOKU Dashboard, and then access the side navigation bar

  2. Access your Company Dashboard

  3. Select Brand List from the menu

  4. Brand List page will appear, then click Add New Brand button

  5. Brand registration form will appear where you are required to input the data of your new brand such as

    • Brand Name;

    • Brand Logo (optional);

    • Business Category;

    • Additional documents may need to be uploaded depending on the selected business category

    • Brand Description;

    • Projected TPT & TPV of the Brand;

    • Business Proof; and

    • Website or Social Media Links

  1. Agree to DOKU Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, then click "Add New Brand" to add a new brand.


What roles are available in a Company Dashboard?

Unlike a Brand Dashboard, there are only two roles in a Company Dashboard. The following are those two roles and their capabilities:

  1. Company Admin

    • Have access to transaction report page

    • Can add new brands

    • Can manage team members for all of the registered brands

  2. Company Operation:

    • Have access to transaction report page

Why is my Company Dashboard missing from the menu?

Please contact your account manager or sales representative for any issue that you may have. If you don't have an account manager, please fill and submit this form. You may also submit a ticket to DOKU Care or send an email to for assistance.

Last updated