Manage Multiple Brands


Multi-brand is a feature in DOKU Dashboard that enables you to manage multiple brands or branches with a single business account. By activating Multi-brand, you will gain access to the Company Dashboard, where you can view transactions of all the registered brands easily. You can also add team members and assign them to their respective brand account and limit their access appropriately.

There are two primary cases where companies can use Multi-brand:

  1. Multiple Brands under One Entity: This scenario applies to companies operating under a single legal entity while managing multiple distinct brands. For example, consider NULE, a company that owns three separate brands, each catering to different business lines: NULE Education for online courses, NULE Pay for online payments, and NULE Shop for e-commerce.

  2. Multiple Branches under One Entity: In this case, a company operates multiple branches, each serving a different geographical location or market segment. For instance, NULE operates as a single school entity with branches in Jakarta, Bali, and Bandung.


If you have not activated Multi-brand for your business account, you can do so by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to DOKU Dashboard, and then access the side navigation bar

  2. Select Settings from the menu

  3. Settings page will appear. Under Account section, select Business Info

  4. Business Info page will appear. Next, ensure that "Brand Information" tab is selected, then click "Add More Brand" button located on the right side of the page

If you do not see the "Add More Brand" button, this either means that (1) multi-brand has already been activated for your business account or (2) your business account type is not 'Corporate'.

  1. A new page will appear where you are required to input the data of your new brand such as

    • Brand Name;

    • Brand Logo (optional);

    • Business Category;

      • Additional documents may need to be uploaded depending on the selected business category

    • Brand Description;

    • Projected TPT & TPV of the Brand;

    • Business Proof; and

    • Website or Social Media Links

  2. Agree to DOKU Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, then click "Add New Brand" to complete the Multi-brand activation.

Upon a successful Multi-brand activation, the following things will occur:

  1. You will be granted a Company Dashboard, and your user account will gain a "Company Admin" role in the Company Dashboard.

  2. You will gain access to a new Brand Dashboard, and your user account will gain "Admin" role in the new Brand Dashboard.

Although your new brand has been activated, it will undergo a verification process that may take up to 48 hours. During the verification period, your new brand account will not be able to receive settlement of funds until it has been verified. You can monitor the verification process by checking the status of your brand account. The following is a list of brand account status that you may find in the Company Dashboard:

  • Draft → Brand account activation form has not been completed

  • On Review (Probation) → Brand account has been successfully activated, but it is in the process of verification

  • Verified → Brand account has been verified


Why is the "Add More Brand" button missing from my page?

If you do not see the "Add More Brand" button, this either means that (1) multi-brand has already been activated for your business account or (2) your business account type is not 'Corporate'. If your business account type is 'Personal' or 'International', you are not eligible to activate multi-brand for your business account.

How long does it take for my new brand to be verified?

The verification process may take up to 48 hours.

Can I immediately start accepting payments for the new brand that I have just created?

Yes, once you have completed the registration for the new brand, you can immediately start accepting payments for that brand, but with a transaction limit. However, please note that the settlement of funds will be held until the brand has been verified.

What are the requirements needed to activate multi-brand?
  1. Your business account type has to be 'Corporate'.

  2. If your new brand has a different line of business than your main brand, you are required to provide additional documents. The document requirements vary for each line of business. Please refer to this document for the full details.

Is there a limit to how many brands that I can create?

There is no limit to how many brands that you can create at the moment, however, please note that our team will verify every single brand that you will create and check its validity.

Is it possible to delete a brand that has been created?

It is not possible to delete a brand account once it has been created.

I have previously created two separate business accounts. Can I merge these two business accounts into one?

Yes, please contact your account manager or sales representative for this request. If you don't have an account manager, please fill and submit this form. You may also submit a ticket to DOKU Care or send an email to for assistance.

What should I do if I have an issue with the multi-brand activation?

Please contact your account manager or sales representative for any issue that you may have. If you don't have an account manager, please fill and submit this form. You may also submit a ticket to DOKU Care or send an email to for assistance.

Last updated