Page Configuration

Sort Payment Method

You can sort as well as show/hide payment methods that you have activated for your Business Account. You may do so by following these simple steps:

  1. Log in to DOKU Dashboard, and then access the side navigation bar

  2. Select Settings from the menu

  3. Settings page will appear. Under Accept Payments section, select Checkout Appearance

  4. Click Save button to save your configuration

Customize Interface

  1. Log in to DOKU Dashboard, and then access the side navigation bar

  2. Select Settings from the menu

  3. Settings page will appear. Under Accept Payments section, select Checkout Appearance

  4. Click Save button to save your configuration

Set Up Expiry Time

  1. Log in to DOKU Dashboard, and then access the side navigation bar

  2. Select Settings from the menu

  3. Settings page will appear. Under Accept Payments section, select Checkout Appearance

  4. Click Save button to save your configuration

Last updated