Set Up a Promo

Create a Promo

You can create a promo by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to DOKU Dashboard, and then access the side navigation bar

  2. Select Promo from the menu

  3. Promo page will appear, then click Create button located on the right side of the page

  4. General Information tab will appear, then fill the form that includes data such as

    • Promo Name - maximum of 15 characters

    • Promo Code - unique code that consists of uppercase letters and numbers

    • Promo Description - maximum of 300 characters

    • Start & End Date - follows format of dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm.

    • Terms & Condition - may contain text or links to a social media or website.

  5. Click Save & Next button

  6. Promo Specification tab will appear, then fill the form that includes data such as

    • Discount Type - can be either be flat rate or percentage

    • Budget - can only contain numbers

    • Discount Amount - can only contain numbers

    • Min & Max Discount Amount - can only contain numbers

    • Max Transaction / Day - can only contain numbers

    • Max Transaction / Account - can only contain numbers

    • Customer Identifier

  7. Click Save & Next button

  8. Payment Details tab will appear, then select the payment method that you would like to include in the promo

  9. Click Save & Next button

  10. Promo has been successfully created. To view the detail of your Promo, click the ellipsis button and select Promo Details

Please note that Budget and Terms of Conditions cannot be altered once they have been activated. You have the option to save the campaign as a draft and schedule the activation of the promo based on a date that you designated.

Promo Details


General Information

Promo Name

The promotion name as the unique identifier within your system.

Promo Code

A unique promo code for identifier on the checkout page.


Brief information for your end customer to review. This free-text field allows you to enter notes or describe the promotions.

Start Date

The Start Date represents the date and time when your promotion becomes active. Before this set date, the promotion will not be accessible or applicable to customers. The format that you can set start from hour and minutes.

End Date

The End Date signifies the date and time when your promotion concludes. After this set date, the promotion will no longer be valid or accessible to customers.

Terms & Conditions

field within the promotion engine serves as a vital space to communicate specific rules, requirements, or guidelines associated with a promotion. You can submit ini Link or Text format.

Promo Specification

Promo Category

Currently we only have option discount as category in our promo engine.


The purpose of the Budget feature is to establish financial limits and guidelines for promotional campaigns. By setting budgets, users can ensure responsible allocation of resources and prevent unintended overspending.

Discount Type:

Flat & Percentage

The Discount Type field within our Promo Engine provides businesses with flexibility in crafting promotions by offering two distinct discount types: Flat and Percentage.

A Flat Discount provides customers with a specific monetary reduction in the purchase price, offering a straightforward and easily understandable incentive.

A Percentage Discount deducts a specified percentage from the total purchase amount, allowing for dynamic adjustments based on the transaction value.

Discount Amount

The Discount Amount field within our Promo Engine is a key component that allows businesses to provide specific and customizable reductions in the purchase price.

Max Discount Amount

The Max Discount Amount field in our Promo Engine is a critical element that allows businesses to set an upper limit on the total discount that can be applied to a transaction.

Min Transaction Amount

The Min Discount Amount field in our Promo Engine plays a crucial role in establishing a minimum threshold for the discount that can be applied to a transaction.

Max Transaction Limit

The Max Transaction Limit field in our Promo Engine is designed to establish an upper boundary on the number of transactions eligible for a particular promotion.

Max Transaction / day

The Max Transaction Limit per Day field in our Promo Engine is designed to establish an upper boundary on the number of transactions eligible for all account on specific promotion in a day.

Max Transaction / Account

The Max Transaction Limit per Account field in our Promo Engine is designed to set an upper threshold on the number of transactions eligible for a specific promotion within a given account.

Transaction Cycle

The field above also includes the option to define the Transaction Cycle, allowing businesses to specify whether the transaction limit applies within a single day or throughout the entire promotional period for this specific account.

Customer Identifier

The Customer Identifier field in our Promo Engine allows businesses to define how customers are identified within the promotion system. This field provides flexibility by offering three distinct options: email, phone number, and customer ID.

Payment Details

Payment Details

This field in our Promo Engine is feature designed to specify and restrict promotions to specific payment methods.

Payment Method Specification

Currently our Promotion Engine is a targeted functionality designed to restrict promotions to transactions made exclusively with credit cards.

All Bank & Specific Banks.

On Specific Banks you can set The Scheme, Bank/Issuer and BIN to custom your promotion based on your business needs.

Last updated