
OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online shopping cart system. A robust e-commerce solution for Internet merchants with the ability to create their own online business and participate in e-commerce at a minimal cost. OpenCart is designed feature rich, easy to use, search engine friendly and with a visually appealing interface.


Before you integrate Opencart with DOKU, make sure that you have fulfilled the following requirements:

  1. Create a store with OpenCart

  2. OpenCart v3.0.3 or higher. This plugin is tested with OpenCart v3.0.3.6

  3. PHP v5.4 or higher

  4. MySQL v5.0 or higher​

Integration Guide

Install DOKU Plugin for OpenCart

  1. Copy all the source code Jokul folder into your OpenCart root folder and merge it.

  2. Go to OpenCart Administration Page, choose Menu Extensions > Extensions.

  3. Choose Payment Filter

  4. Scroll down and Choose Jokul - General Configuration

  5. Click Install and you can configure the Plugin.​

Plugin Setup

  1. Login to your OpenCart Admin Panel

  2. Click Extensions > Extensions

  3. Choose Payment Filter

  4. You will find "Jokul - General Configuration"

  5. Click Enabled and Edit the Plugin

  6. Here are the fileds that you are required to set:

    • Environment:

      • For testing purposes, select Sandbox.

        • Sandbox Client ID: Client ID you retrieved from DOKU Sandbox

        • Sandbox Secret Key: Secret Key you retrieved from DOKU Sandbox

      • For accepting real payments, select Production.

    • Notification URL: Copy and paste your notification URL into the DOKU Dashboard. Learn how to setup Notification URL here.

  7. Click Save Config button

  8. Go Back to Payments Tab

  9. Now your customer should be able to see the payment methods and you start accepting payments​


Error Log (doku_log)

​Error log or doku_log is useful to help simplify the process of checking if an issue occurs related to the payment process using the DOKU Plugin. If there are problems or problems using the plugin, you can contact our team by sending this doku_log file. doku_log will record all transaction processes from any payment method by date.

  1. Open your opencart directory on your store's webserver.

  2. Create folder doku_log in your directory store's, so plugin will automatically track log in your store's webserver.

  3. Then check doku_log and open file in your store's webserver.

  4. You will see doku log file by date.

  5. And you can download the file.

  6. If an issue occurs, you can send this doku_log file to the team to make it easier to find the cause of the issue.

Last updated